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Cache Library documentation

The logic for caching values is similar to the example below:

use Framework\Cache\Files;

$cache = new Files([
    'directory' => '/tmp/cache/'

$data = $cache->get('data');

if  ($data !== null) { // If data is cached, return now
    return $data;

$data = ['foo', 'bar']; // Else, set again
$cache->set('data', $data, 15); // Cache for 15 seconds

return $data;

Since the required key has no values the cache is set again and will last the time of the configured Time To Live.

Set values

Items can be cached individually or several at a time.

// Set the value of "key" for 10 seconds
$cache->set('key', 'value', 10);
// Set the values of "key" and "foo" for 10 seconds
    'key'=> 'value',
    'foo'=> 'bar',
], 10);

Get values

Get values can also be individually or multiple at once:

$data = $cache->get('key'); // "value" or null
$data = $cache->getMulti(['key', 'foo', 'baz']);

Incrementing and decrementing data

Some items may be simpler and only need to save increment or decrement values. Example below:

$data = $cache->increment('foo'); // $data = 1
$data = $cache->increment('foo'); // $data = 2
$data = $cache->increment('foo', 3); // $data = 5
$data = $cache->decrement('foo'); // $data = -1
$data = $cache->decrement('foo'); // $data = -2
$data = $cache->decrement('foo', 3); // $data = -5