
API Documentation

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Validation Library documentation

Validation logic typically occurs as follows:

$validation = new \Framework\Validation\Validation();
$validation->setRule('email', 'required|email');
$validated = $validation->validate($_POST);
if ($validated) {
    echo 'Validated!';
} else {
    echo 'Invalid data:';
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($validation->getErrors() as $error) {
        echo "<li>{$error}</li>";
    echo '</ul>';

First load the Validation class. Then the rules are drafted and finally validated. Then an answer is shown if the validation was valid or not.

Setting rules

Rules can be set individually by the setRule method or several at once by setRules. The first argument is the name of the field and the second is the rules, which can be defined by string separating them with a pipe or by having an array of rules as values.

$validation->setRule('email', 'required|email');
$validation->setRule('firstname', ['required', 'minLength:2']);
    'lastname' => 'required|minLength:2|maxLength:32'

Setting labels

Error messages show field name as default. And often you need to show a custom label like First Name instead of firstname.

Labels can be defined individually or by an array.:

$validation->setLabel('email', 'E-mail');
$validation->setLabel('firstname', 'First Name');
// or
    'email' => 'E-mail',
    'firstname' => 'First Name',

Getting errors

Errors can be obtained individually or all at once, as per the example below:

// Email field error message, or null
$error = $validation->getError('email');
// All errors
$errors = $validation->getErrors();


After defining the rules and labels, the validation of the received data occurs through the validate method.

If you only need to validate the received fields, you can use the validateOnly method. Useful for updating only a few fields in the database.

// Validates all fields
$validated = $validation->validate($_POST);
// Validates only received fields
$validated = $validation->validateOnly($_POST);

Available Rules

The rules available in Validator are:

Rule Has Parameters Description
alpha no Validates alphabetic caracters
number no Validates a number
alphaNumber no Validates a number or alphabetic characters
uuid no Validates a UUID
timezone no Validates a timezone
base64 no Validates a base64 string
md5 no Validates a md5 hash
hex no Validates a hexadecimal string
json no Validates a JSON string
regex yes Validates a Regex pattern
notRegex yes Validates a Regex no matching pattern
equals yes Validate field has value equals other field
notEquals yes Validate field has not value equals other field
between yes Validate field between min and max values
notBetween yes Validate field not between min and max values
in yes Validate field is in list
notIn yes Validate field is not in list
ip yes Validates an IP
url no Validates an URL
datetime yes Validates a datetime format
email no Validates a email
latin no Validates a latin text
maxLength yes Validates max length
minLength yes Validates min length
length yes Validates exact length
required no Validates required value
isset no Validates field is set
optional no Not run rules if the field is empty